What is Crystal Healing?
What is Crystal Healing?
A question I get frequently from both my followers and clients is: “What IS Crystal Healing?” I know it is something a lot of people have questions about! This is a quick overview of what it is.
Short answer: Crystal healing works by placing crystals on the main energy vortexes of your body (chakras!) and then they help rebalance, retune, and reinvigorate your physical & energetic bodies with their perfect crystalline structure and healing vibrations.
(A kirlian photograph of a charoite crystal's energy field.)
Longer Answer: All minerals with a crystalline structure have a unique, dominant oscillatory rate—this is their rate of vibration in the universe essentially. (I will use the terms DOR and vibration interchangeably.) We as humans also have silica (liquid crystal!) in our body along with water and other minerals.
These substances in us can both link with and be impacted very easily by the energy of crystals. We have 7 energy centers in our bodies called chakras (which is the Sanskrit term for “wheel”). In my work (as well as the Hibiscus Moon method, of which I studied the certificate program, the Book of Stones, Philip Permutt’s work, etc.) every chakra correlates to different crystals. (More on that in a moment!)
(Chakras from YogaPedia)
It is very easy for our chakras and our energy bodies to get out of whack due to the liquid-filled and vulnerable state of the human body. This is where crystals come in! Crystals have a super stable crystalline structure and they can help bring our energy back to stability. Each chakra has a specific vibration (you can think of them as notes of a scale), and different crystals also have specific, stable vibrations that align with these chakras.
When you send crystal energy to a certain chakra (for instance the heart chakra which vibrates at an “F” frequency when it is aligned but it might be a little “sharp” or “flat” if your energy is unbalanced), the crystal (which if it is for the heart chakra, the crystal is vibrating at an “F” already) helps bring YOUR chakra back into balance. Think of it like retuning a piano, but the piano is your body and the crystals are the master tuners!
A lot of crystals can be identified in terms of which chakra they connect with by their color as well! Again using the heart chakra example—the heart chakra is associated with pink and green. So if a crystal is pink or green, there is a good chance it helps rebalance a sluggish or overactive heart chakra!
(Me with my Rose Quartz for my Heart Chakra!)
Crystals help us retune and recharge after regular long days or even more intense energetic attack. Crystals re-align our vibration just by the intention and being in our energetic field.
If this is something that excites you, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram or YouTube for more crystal info, or sign up for access to book a healing session with me!
(A layout on a client in an in-person session picturing their solar plexus, heart, and throat chakra crystal layouts. Similar layouts done on a chakra “by proxy” tapestry in distance healing sessions. )